With the sun shining and the team growing, Magnetise decided to send a few troops down to a recent event organised by Digital Window called ‘Inspire 2011′. Held at the Hilton Tower Bridge, we joined over 250 other digital types to hear about some of the technologies that are fuelling both affiliate marketing and general digital growth and innovation.
On arrival we managed to catch up with clients old and new, plus make some interesting new connections we’ll tell you more about in the future. Then it was into the auditorium to hear Justin Pearse, New Media Age’s brilliant Editor, introduce the day. As he quite rightly said, with so much hype around it’s difficult to clearly see the direct benefit of new technologies, so the aim of the day was to give us the information and insight we needed to be able to fully understand and filter everything down to the solid opportunities people could take advantage of today.
Covering everything from cookie over-writing to post-click value to CPAs in Facebook, social commerce to coupons, re-targeting and mobile, speakers from comScore, TBG Digital, digitalanimal and more provided some thought provoking content. Our biggest take out from the day was just how relevant lead generation is to every part of the digital marketing universe. Whether it’s identifying and capturing an exacting target audience for a particular brand, enabling transparency and therefore optimisation across a range of suppliers, or keeping a tight control on costs while incentivising consumers to fuel a new customer drive, lead generation is the perfect partner for any digital marketing initiative.
The presentations were awash with fantastic statistics, innovative new ideas and truly inspirational examples of modern digital marketing. The team at Affiliate Window have done an excellent job of capturing and presenting both useful snippets and the actual presentations, so we suggest you click across to take a look at their blog for more information.